Battle of Monmouth 2018
East Jersey Old Town 2017
Battle of Short Hills 2017
Elizabeth 2017
Jockey Hollow 2016
This was a great event! A fun day with the Jersey Greys filled with marching, drilling, and artisans. There was even baking and laundry done throughout the day!
BAR School of Instruction 2016
The unofficial kick-off of the BAR and this year was fantastic! The Jersey Blues were able to catch up with old friends and still put on a spectacular show for the public. The swearing in of new BAR members was also a great part of the day!
Durrand Heddon House
A great time for family and friends! A camp display was set up as well as a live dying exhibit. A local treasure with a great gift shop!
New York Historical Society
New York Historical Society is an amazing museum where the history of New York is presented in a colorful display. Here are some of the best photos of the year!
L’Hermoine 2015
The French ship that carried Marquis de Lafayette America returned back on an Anniversary Voyage. The Third New Jersey Blues and Greys made an appearance to greet the public and held a mini fashion show!
A collection of battle images over the years. These oldies but goodies show the Third in action in different events over a 45 year period! An example of the civilian’s of the Third. Not only women but men who are skilled in a colonial trade make up this strong and proud branch of the Third New Jersey Blues! Comprised of large anniversary battles and featuring two unique regimental group photos from the 70’s.